Talks & Presentations
Wilson is a frequent (invited) speaker at various international conferences and seminars. All talks and presentations are delivered as sole speaker, unless otherwise indicated.
Invited Talks and Presentations
As invited speaker
International Trends and Issues in Alternative Dispute Resolution. Polytechnic University of the Philippines, online, 14 December 2024.
Jurisdictional Immunities: Applications, Implications and Harmonisation. Rethinking Jurisdiction in Private International Law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1–2 August 2024.
Asian Private International Law and Hong Kong. Korea Branch of the International Law Association (ILA), Seoul, 10–11 June 2024.
Recent Developments on Immunity from Jurisdiction. Asian Private International Law Academy (APILA), online, 27 February 2024.
'Teaching Written Communication in Law'. Teacher Voices: Developing Content Knowledge Through Writing. Communication-intensive Courses Symposium 2023, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 3 May 2023.
'Immunities and Sanctions'. The Future of Private International Law in Asia, Asian Principles of Private International Law (APPIL) and Doshisha University Research Centre for International Transactions and Law (RECITAL), online, 22–23 March 2022.
Wilson Lui and Alice Lee. 'Online Legal Education in Hong Kong'. Asia-Pacific Online Legal Education Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic. University of Sydney Law School, online, 1 February 2022.
Developing an Academic Writing Style for Arts and Humanities. Worcester College, University of Oxford, Oxford (online), 11 November 2021.
The Hong Kong Experience in Student Legal Academic Publishing. 26th World Congress of Political Science, Lisbon (online), 10–15 July 2021.
As invited panellist
What is the Effect of the Hong Kong Court of Appeal's Decision in the "Guy Lam" Cases?. Roubrick, Hong Kong, 24 May 2024.
Teaching Public and Private International Law: Contexts, Choices, Creativity. The American Society of International Law, online, 17 July 2023.
Direct Jurisdiction in Asia. University of Sydney Law School, online, 17 February 2022.
Refereed Conference Presentations (selected)
Hong Kong. Environment, Corporations and Private International Law in Asia: Symposium, Singapore, 6–7 February 2025.
The Imaginary Impact of Sanctions on Anti-Suit, Anti-Anti-Suit and Anti-Enforcement Injunctions. 3rd Asian Private International Law Academy (APILA) Conference 2024, Bangkok, 8–9 December 2024.
Non-recognition of Forced Marriages and Child Marriages in Asia. 2024 Asia-Pacific Colloquium of the Journal of Private International Law, Melbourne, 5–6 December 2024.
Shall 'Shall' Mean 'Shall'? May 'May' Mean 'May'? Must 'Must' Mean 'Must'?. Conference on Hong Kong Bilingual Legal System: Retrospect and Prospect, Hong Kong, 26–27 August 2023.
Harmonising the Interface between Private International Law and Intellectual Property Law: Still Searching for Solutions?. 9th Journal of Private International Law Conference, Singapore, 3–5 August 2023.
Researching and Teaching Private International Law in Asia. 20th Asian Law Institute (ASLI) Conference, Singapore, 31 May–1 June 2023.
Harmonising the Interface between Private International Law and Intellectual Property: Where Are We Now? Where Should We Go?. 1st Asian Private International Law Academy (APILA) Conference 2022, Kyoto, 10–11 December 2022.
Information Structure in Cantonese. 27th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference, Groningen, 12–14 July 2022.
Tackling the Language and Law Interface in Hong Kong. Oxford Hong Kong Forum 2022, Oxford, 25–26 June 2022.
Advances in Language and Law in Hong Kong. Law and Humanities Research Symposium, Milton Keynes, 17 June 2022.
Highlighting the Importance of Language in Legal Education. Directions in Legal Education 2022, Hong Kong (online), 10–11 June 2022.
Challenges in Multilingual Hong Kong Courtrooms. Oxford University Hong Kong Scholars Association Academic Symposium 2022, Oxford (online), 26 February 2022.
Scene(s) and Topic in Cantonese: An Information Structure Proposal. 31st South of England LFG Meeting, Oxford, 5 February 2022.
An Account of Preverbal dak1 in Cantonese. 25th International Conference of Yue Dialects, Hong Kong (online), 18–19 December 2021.
Harmonisation of Jurisdiction in Cross-border Intellectual Property Cases. 1st Postgraduate Conference of the Centre for Private International Law, Aberdeen (online), 17 November 2021.
Interpretation in the Dock: Comparative Legal Perspectives on Audio Recording. 15th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Forensic Linguists, Birmingham (online), 13–15 September 2021.
An Account of Preverbal dak1 in Cantonese. Syntax Working Group, Oxford, 14 May 2021.
初探香港中文刑事判案書的粵語運用——以危險駕駛與不小心駕駛案件為例 [A Preliminary Investigation of Cantonese Usage in Hong Kong Chinese Criminal Judgments: Examples from Dangerous Driving and Careless Driving Cases]. 3rd Forum on Cantonese Linguistics, Hong Kong, 27 June 2020.
Language Rights in Bilingual and Multilingual Legal Environments. Wolfson Research Event 2020, Cambridge (online), 26 June 2020.
Locative Inversion in Cantonese. 25th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference, Oslo (online), 23–25 June 2020.
Revisiting Locative Inversion in Cantonese. 22nd International Conference of Yue Dialects, Hong Kong, 8–9 December 2017.
Outreach Talks
The Legal System of Hong Kong. HKU Legal Academy for the Talented 2024, Hong Kong, 16 July 2024.
Advocacy and the Litigation Process in Hong Kong. HKU Legal Academy for the Talented 2023, Hong Kong, 31 July 2023.