Wilson has published five books and more than 15 book chapters and journal articles. He has also contributed to various practitioners' texts, monographs and edited volumes.
Books and Edited Books
Wilson Lui and Anselmo Reyes (2025). Hong Kong Private International Law. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 488pp. [Link]
Samuel Wong and Wilson Lui (2024). Hong Kong Arbitration Ordinance (Cap 609): A Guide and Commentary (2nd edition). Hong Kong. 408pp. [Delivery Form]
Anselmo Reyes, Wilson Lui and Kazuaki Nishioka (eds) (2023). Choice of Law and Recognition in Asian Family Law. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 480pp. [Link]
Samuel Wong, CK Kwong and Wilson Lui. (2023). Hong Kong Arbitration Judgments and Commentaries. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators. 448pp. [Link]
Anselmo Reyes and Wilson Lui (eds) (2021). Direct Jurisdiction: Asian Perspectives. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 440pp. [Link]
Reviewed by Chukwuma Okoli, (2024) 14(1) Asian Journal of International Law 233–234: 'This commendable study underscores the importance of comparative law in the development of Asian Private International Law (PIL) and highlights the “international” dimension of PIL as especially pertinent for initiatives to harmonise PIL rules in Asia and the current Hague Conference on Private International Law’s (HCCH) work on direct jurisdiction.'
Wilson Lui and Edmund Cham (eds) (2026). Bilingual Legal System in Hong Kong: Retrospect and Prospect. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
Wilson Lui (ed) (expected 2027). Private International Law and Intellectual Property: Asian Contexts. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Book Chapters
Wilson Lui (2025). Causation. In Normann Witzleb and Neerav Srivastava (eds), Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong (4th edition). Hong Kong: Sweet and Maxwell. [Link]
Wilson Lui (2024). Private International Law Developments in Hong Kong. In Olivier Gaillard and Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer (eds), Private International Law in East Asia: From Imitation to Innovation and Exportation, 97–106. Oxford: Hart Publishing. [Link]
Wilson Lui (2023). Hong Kong. In Kazuaki Nishioka (ed), Treatment of Foreign Law in Asia, 25–50. Oxford: Hart Publishing. [Link]
Wilson Lui (2023). Hong Kong. In Anselmo Reyes, Wilson Lui and Kazuaki Nishioka (eds), Choice of Law and Recognition in Asian Family Law, 51–80. Oxford: Hart Publishing. [Link]
Wilson Lui and Alice Lee (2023). Online Legal Education in Hong Kong: From Contingency to Convention. In Luke Nottage and Makoto Ibusuki (eds), Comparing Online Legal Education: Past, Present and Future, 129–158. Cambridge: Intersentia. [Link] [Preprint]
Wilson Lui (2022). The Need for Finality and Certainty in International Commercial Dispute Resolution. In Sundaresh Menon and Anselmo Reyes (eds), Transnational Commercial Disputes in an Age of Anti-Globalism and Pandemic, 183–208. Oxford: Hart Publishing. [Link]
Anselmo Reyes and Wilson Lui (2022). The Use of Conciliation and Litigation by the Hong Kong Equal Opportunities Commission. In Anselmo Reyes and Weixia Gu (eds), Multi-Tier Approaches to the Resolution of International Disputes: A Global and Comparative Study, 232–268. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Link]
Wilson Lui (2021). Singapore. In Anselmo Reyes and Wilson Lui (eds), Direct Jurisdiction: Asian Perspectives, 127–152. Oxford: Hart Publishing. [Link]
Wilson Lui and Anselmo Reyes (2021). Introduction. In Anselmo Reyes and Wilson Lui (eds), Direct Jurisdiction: Asian Perspectives, 1–12. Oxford: Hart Publishing. [Link]
Anselmo Reyes and Wilson Lui (2021). Conclusion. In Anselmo Reyes and Wilson Lui (eds), Direct Jurisdiction: Asian Perspectives, 325–334. Oxford: Hart Publishing. [Link]
In press
A book chapter (as third author) on the first conduct rule in Hong Kong competition law.
A book chapter on conflict of laws issues in alternative dispute resolution.
A book chapter on the interactions of environment, corporations and private international law issues in Hong Kong.
Refereed Journal Articles
Wilson Lui. 'Asian Private International Law and Hong Kong' (2024) 12(1) Korean Journal of International and Comparative Law 73–86.
Wilson Lui. 'Researching and Teaching Asian and Hong Kong Private International Law' (2023) 20(2) Indonesian Journal of International Law 173–202.
Wilson Lui. 'Preverbal dak1 in Cantonese' (2023) 102(1) Current Research in Chinese Linguistics 65–80.
Wilson Lui. 'Advancing the Student-Oriented Model of Academic Publishing: The Case of Legal Studies in Hong Kong' (2022) 35(3) Learned Publishing 376–384.
Wilson Lui and Adrian Lam. 'The Critical Engagement of Higher Education with Future Crises' (2022) 5(2) Dewey Studies 345–362. [Link]
Wilson Lui. 'Defending the Indemnity Costs Approach to Unsuccessful Arbitral Award Challenges' [2021] Asian Dispute Review 129–135. [Link] [Postprint]
Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings
Wilson Lui (2022). Information Structure in Cantonese: Scenes and Topic. In Miriam Butt, Jamie Y Findlay and Ida Toivonen (eds), Proceedings of the LFG’22 Conference. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications, 265–284. [Link]
Wilson Lui (2020). Locative Inversion in Cantonese. In Miriam Butt and Ida Toivonen (eds), Proceedings of the LFG’20 Conference, On-line. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications, 250–267. [Link]
Contribution to Legal Treatises
Assistant Editor of the Studies in Private International Law – Asia series (Hart Publishing).
Contributor to Charu Sharma (2025), Wrongful Interference with Goods. In Normann Witzleb and Neerav Srivastava (eds), Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong (4th edition). Hong Kong: Sweet and Maxwell. [Link]
Contributor to SH Goo and Alice Lee (2022). Land Law in Hong Kong (5th edition). Hong Kong: LexisNexis. [Link]
Assistant Editor to Simon NM Young (general ed). Archbold Hong Kong 2019, 2020 and 2021. Hong Kong: Sweet and Maxwell.
Contributor to various annotated legislation. Hong Kong: Sweet and Maxwell.
Contribution to Books as Research Assistant
Anselmo Reyes and Weixia Gu (eds) (2022). Multi-Tier Approaches to the Resolution of International Disputes: A Global and Comparative Study. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Link]
Weixia Gu (2021). Dispute Resolution in China: Litigation, Arbitration, Mediation and their Cross-Interactions. Oxon: Routledge. [Link]
Anselmo Reyes (ed) (2019). Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters. Oxford: Hart Publishing. [Link]
Anselmo Reyes and Weixia Gu (eds) (2018). The Developing World of Arbitration: A Comparative Study of Arbitration Reform in the Asia-Pacific. Oxford: Hart Publishing. [Link]
Anselmo Reyes (2017). The Practice of International Commercial Arbitration: A Handbook for Hong Kong Arbitrators. Oxon: Routledge. [Link]